June 11, 2024

The Disruption Index Dashboard

The Disruption Index measures the capacity of regions to invest in new technologies and the factors that enable firms to adopt and integrate new technologies. In our recent report we describe the key findings from the Disruption Index, particularly the profoundly unequal clustering of technological transformation in few regions in London and the South East, while the rest of the country lags far behind. This is one of many conclusions that could be drawn from interrogation of the rich data we have collated to produce the Disruption Index.

We want researchers, policymakers and the wider public to be able to look at the data we have collated to answer their own questions. To achieve this, we have developed the Disruption Index Dashboard through which users can look for themselves at how indicators of Technological Transformation and Readiness vary across the regions of England over time. Further, we are making the data used to produce the Disruption Index freely available here, with the associated code used to produce the index forthcoming. The dataset is published and shared under a Creative Commons license. If using it, please cite as: Disruption Index Dataset. Institute for the Future of Work, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12772058

Our hope is also that this first iteration of the DI will highlight where the gaps in data are, and how they can be plugged, so that our understanding of this rapid period of transformation of our economy can be better tracked, and thus better understood - giving rise to better policies and better regulation that themselves give rise to a more equal society, with the widest access to the opportunities that new technologies have to offer.

Adzuna Intelligence (, ONS Annual Population Survey, Crunchbase (, Department for Education, Eurostat, HESA (from BEIS dashboard), OECD REGPAT database, Ofcom, Office for National Statistics (special release, NOMIS), UK innovation Survey. For more detailed information, please see DI Technical Report.

Access the DashboardAccess the Dashboard


Hummd Ghouri, Jonathan Clarke, Bertha Rohenkohl

Publication type



Future of Work Review

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