Our Networks

IFOW is an independent, mission-driven research and development institute, that works at the intersection of government, industry and academia to drive change. To achieve this, we undertake a range of collaborative initiatives that aim to support key decision makers.


Cross-party dialogue and consensus building is important to shape good regulation that serves the public good. We support Parliamentarians from across parties and have been the research partner and secretariat to the All Party Parliamentary Group on the Future of Work.


Through case studies and action-research, we aim to support and inform regulators understanding of the introduction and use of technologies within the workplace. We have previously been supported by the ICO Grants Programme to produce a framework for responsible governance in the workplace, and brought together the ICO and EHRC in one of our earliest projects.

We share with regulators key aggregated insights from the Responsible AI Sandbox, helping to produce evidence on areas that are of regulatory concern.

Regulator Plus Forum

Effective governance and regulation requires multi-stakeholder collaboration. We engage standards development bodies, professional accreditation organisations, and worker representative organisations through the Regulator Plus Forum. This provides a forum for shared learning and dialogue to advance understanding, consistency and the co-development of best practice governance of workplace technologies.

Membership of the forum includes:

- Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service

- British Computer Society

- Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

- Chartered Management Institute

- Institution of Occupational Safety and Health


- The Society for Computers and Law

- The AI Standards Hub


AI governance and regulation is increasingly global. Reflecting this, we are building our networks to include global labour institutions. These organisations are also on the Regulator Plus Forum.

- International Labour Organisation

- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development


As an independent research and development organisation, we are uniquely positioned within the research ecosystem. Through collaborative research programmes, such as the Pissarides Review, we work closely with UK and international Higher Education institutions to shift understanding and advance knowledge in policy-relevant areas. We also manage an interdisciplinary network of IFOW research fellows, to encourage knowledge exchange and develop Future of Work networks across the UK.

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