Anna Thomas, co-founder and co-director of IFOW, said:
'Prioritising tax cuts over long term investment in productivity, public services and people’s capabilities may signify the prioritising of short term goals over building a better and fairer future of work. In this budget, unprotected public services, pensioners, and the lowest earners - as well as those who work part time or are self-employed - are likely to be the losers. We welcome, however, bolder tax cuts for younger workers, boosted public sector tech investment, the AI upskilling pilot and SME digital adoption task force - if these are accompanied by a strategy and action plan to drive good, responsible automation. We look forward to working with government to ensure the benefits of new technology are maximised and spread, and risks are addressed, including the creation and protection of new, good jobs. The IFOW Pissarides Review on Work and Wellbeing will support this ambitious outlook aimed at long term prosperity and wellbeing across the country and grounded in a more granular understanding of the structural transformation of the economy and work.'
Anna Thomas MBE