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Photo of Chris Pissarides
November 17, 2020

IFOW Co-Chair Appointed to Department for Education Skills and Productivity Board

IFOW Co-Chair and Nobel Laureate in Economics Professor Sir Chris Pissarides has been appointed to a new advisory body set up by Secretary of State for Education Gavin Williamson to advise on skills and education policy following COVID-19.

The new Skills and Productivity Board will convene over the next six months to identify answers to the following three policy priorities:

  1. Which areas of the economy face the most significant skills mismatches or present growing areas of skills need?
  2. Can the board identify the changing skills needs of several priority areas within the economy over the next 5-10 years?
  3. How can skills and the skills system promote productivity growth in areas of the country that are poorer performing economically?

Gavin Williamson has said that the board will play a "key role in helping us to rebuild our economy post-COVID-19 and deliver our bold skills agenda", and will be chaired by Stephen van Rooyen, CEO of UK and Europe at Sky.



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