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UKRI BRAID announcement screen shot
February 9, 2024

IFOW awarded funding to explore AI impact assessments in creative arts sector

We are delighted to be part of a research collaboration with the Alan Turing Institute and Queen Mary University of London who have been awarded funding from UKRI and BRAID (Bridging Responsible AI Divides). The work will involve engaging creative workers to co-develop impact assessments that address fundamental rights and working conditions in context of generative AI.

This builds on the excellent breakfast we hosted at Somerset House in September listening to voices from the creative arts community, and the particular impacts/opportunities they are seeing from new technologies.

We'll be working with bodies representing different sectors to do some deep-dive workshops on the challenges facing musicians, filmmakers, writers and others - and how AI impact assessments could build better work and secure workers' rights. Further info on these soon, but if you are interested in the project, please do email us.


Kester Brewin


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