Our work


To create a society where people are put first, we research the factors and trends that mould the future of work. We share our insights and catalyse change in areas where we can make the most impact. Working at the intersection of academia, industry and policy, we make sure that technology works for people.

Changing work

Technology offers huge potential to create new good jobs and improve both the nature and distribution of good quality work. But risks and rewards are unevenly spread, which can open and exacerbate inequalities between people and places. We are exploring the nature and trajectories of labour market transitions to inform bolder policy intervention and address structural inequalities.

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Pissarides Review into the Future of Work and Wellbeing

Automation technologies are transforming work, society and the economy in the UK in ways comparable to the Industrial Revolution. The adoption of these technologies has accelerated through the COVID-19 pandemic, and the impact of automation is unevenly distributed, with a disproportionate impact on demographic groups in lower pay jobs.

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Prioritising people

Rapid change is transforming people’s experiences of work and their priorities around it. But people and communities often have little say in shaping these transitions, and policy is often developed without understanding the views or capabilities of frontline workers. We are working in partnership to empower people and communities to create their own futures of work.

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Shifting power

Technology is driving big shifts in power and challenging traditional forms of workplace accountability. This brings new risks, but there are also new opportunities to design and use technology better. New models of business and technology ecosystems are often built without considering the risks and impacts on work and people. We are centring on good work as a means of countering this imbalance, addressing power asymmetries and filling accountability gaps.

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