The Final Report of the Pissarides Review

Our major three-year Nuffield-funded Review offers a new model of human-centred automation, via a new socio-economic paradigm of Good Work.
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The Final Report of the Pissarides Review

Our major three-year Nuffield-funded Review offers a new model of human-centred automation, via a new socio-economic paradigm of Good Work.
Read the report

Taking work, or changing work? Understanding how technology adoption is reshaping work in the UK

How are UK workers actually experiencing technological change?
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Cornwall and Isles of Scilly - Disruption Index Spotlight Report

Spotlight report on technological transformation in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
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Analysing the distribution of capabilities in the UK workforce amidst technological change

For the first time, this report explores the distribution of capabilities across the UK workforce.
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Data on our Minds - Affective Computing at Work

Emotion-tracking technologies are opening a new frontier in surveillance and privacy concerns. Our report outlines the need for action.
Read the report

The Institute for the Future of Work is an independent research and development institute exploring how new technologies are transforming work and working lives.

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‘The outcome of this transformation is not given: it will depend on how we respond to the challenge.'

Sir Christopher Pissarides Nobel Laureate, Co-Founder and Co-Chair of the Institute for the Future of Work

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We understand how people experience technological change at work and bring together government, industry and civil society to drive systemic change for a fairer future.

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