The Uberisation of work: the challenge of regulation

In this paper Edward notes that under platform capitalism a new business model and work order has emerged. The tech giants that drive this business model have unprecedented levels of power. This power lies in the hands of a few individuals who may divest themselves from employment responsibilities through technology-enabled outsourcing and subcontracting practices that remotely manage their fragmented supply chains. A new form of algorithmic control is introduced where “workers” are managed through online platforms, monitored indirectly and expected to produce measurable outputs. However, the model is generating resistance across the globe and new ways of regulating these companies are emerging. Drawing on a range of recent publications, Edward argues that to be effective these attempts at regulation are likely to require a coordinated challenge. This requires a deeper understanding of the new forms of ownership in the platform economy, the nature of this new world of work and the responses being made by a global workforce.

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Abigail Gilbert


Amazonian Era

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